- Ngaran aslina: Punah
- Genre: kartun
- Produser: D. Silverman, R. S. Percy
- Premiere dunya: 2 April 2021
- Premiere di Rusia: 11 Pébruari 2021 (Volga)
- Dibintanginya: A. Devine, R. Bloom, K. Zhong, Z. Bitz, J. Jefferies, K. O'Hara, R. Watts, A. Borstein, J. Chan, S. Aoki sareng anu sanésna.
Punah mangrupikeun pilem komedi-petualangan komedi-animasi anu diarahkeun ku David Silverman sareng ko-nyerat sareng Raymond S. Percy Para pemeran anu diumumkeun kalebet Adam DeVin, Rachel Bloom, Zazie Beetz, Ken Jeong sareng anu sanésna. Cuplikan gambar kartun na bakal dirilis dina 2021.
Saréréa nyebut sato buluan anu pikaresepeun sapertos "Flammels" ieu. Nalika dua diantarana diangkut ti taun 1835 dugi ka ayeuna, khususna ka Shanghai, aranjeunna terang yén spésiésna punah sareng aranjeunna kedah ngumbara deui dina waktosna pikeun nyalametkeun balapan na.
Diarahkeun ku David Silverman (Monsters, Inc., The Simpsons Movie, Abode of Lies), Raymond S. Persia (Zootopia, Frozen, Ralph, Ralph Against the Internet).
Tim Voiceover:
- Skénario: Joel H. Cohen (Jeff sareng Simpsons Aliens), John Frink (Hope sareng Gloria, Salon Veronica), Rob LaZebnik (Klava Ayo !, Detektif Kalacat, Kembang Anggun) ;
- Produser: Joe M. Aguilar (Puss in Boots, Culik), Joe. H. Cohen, J. Frink sareng anu sanésna;
- Musik: Michael Giacchino (Leungit, Fringe, Leungit: The Unsur Leungit, The Spy), Mick Giacchino (Curious Creations of Christine McConnell);
- Artis: Evgeny Tomov ("Trio ti Belleville", "Secret Service", "Santa Claus");
- Ngédit: Stephen Lew (The Master: Lego Ninjago).
- Produksi Hiburan Singa Cina
- Animasi Cinesite
- HB Wink Animasi
- Adam Devine (Steven Universe, Kulawarga Amérika, Komunitas, Reureuh Perkembangan, Saha Éta Samantha?) - Ed;
- Rachel Bloom ("Robot Hayam", "Abdi urang Zombie Portlandia") - Op;
- Ken Zhong (The Hangover in Vegas, Avengers Endgame, Despicable Me) - Clarence;
- Zazie Bitts (Joker, Deadpool 2, Atlanta) - Dottie;
- Jim Jefferies ("Jim Jefferies: Sampurna", "Normal") - Bernie;
- Catherine O'Hara ("Home Alone", "Temple Grandin", "Penelope", "The Last of the Great Kings") - Alma;
- Reggie Watts (Louis Nyandak sareng Bertie, Waktu Petualangan, The Ventura Brothers) - Hoss;
- Alex Borshtein (The Endah Ny Maisel, Kulawarga Guy, Babaturan) - Mali;
- Julia Chan (BoJack Horseman, Rookie Cops, Gotham) - Ny Sun;
- Steve Aoki ("Panah") - Vinnie.
Fakta anu matak
Naha anjeun terang yén:
- Ieu mangrupikeun proyék animasi kaopat Rachel Bloom saatos Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019), Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) sareng Troll. Wisata Dunya "(2020).
- Mimiti produksi diumumkeun dina bulan Séptember 2019.
Tanggal sékrési kartun "Punah" disetél pikeun 2021, tetep ngantosan perdana "mengembang"!
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